Magic Debrief | Sara A. Clark
Welcome to my paper trail.


A collage of 10 photos from the week in Chincha

Let's Celebrate (noticing) Judgement

The adage “don’t judge” is not humanly possible or helpful. Let’s go for some positive reinforcement rather than punishment. Noticing is the first step.
3 min read
Ecuadorian woman in black and tan surrounded by many products from toliet paper to eggs.

Encounters with Kindness and Connection

Visits to Elisabel's market stall weren't just about purchases; it was about connection. She saw we were new and intentionally made us feel welcome. How can we do the same? Sharing moments of kindness and connection with the people in our neighborhoods, organizations, and lives?
2 min read
Upcoming workshops, list of titles also in text below, and photo of Sara facilitator and Anjali Leon co-pilot.

Launch: Transforming Tensions Workshop Collection

While I've been preparing to share my favorite trainings and tools for navigating interpersonal tensions, I first had to grapple with my own internal tensions along the way.
3 min read
Sticker of "Free Palestine" with watermelon slice. Pic of me with bottle on a hike. 5 pics of desk set up with bottle.

Carrying Compassion

A moment in my journey of carrying around a bottle of well wishes for Palestine: I resonate with a desire to "uplift our shared humanity" and seek a "path that neither perpetuates a xenophobic response nor sustains an unjust status quo."
4 min read
Finally, a Work Exchange: Exploring an Ethical, Low-Cost Travel Option

Finally, a Work Exchange: Exploring an Ethical, Low-Cost Travel Option

I’ve crossed off a dusty item from my bucket list: personally experiencing the potential of work exchanges as a mutually beneficial way to travel on a budget.
3 min read


Leaving Medellín, reflecting on a facilitation gig in Quito, arriving in Cuenca...A month of moments, shaping and reshaping my world.
2 min read
A shallow river with water rushing by rocks, green foliage in the background

How did we get here?

As we stood on the riverside admiring the beauty around us, a fellow traveler asked, “How did we get here?”
3 min read
Chart plotting wellbeing by time. Hand annotated curve shows peak, then short dip before climbing up

"Are you loving it here?"

What was your last major life change? What ups and downs followed? Time to debrief how I'm doing 7 months into life in Colombia...
3 min read
Photo a city hillside with a forested park at the top. A 1 centimeter blue line marks the path from the metro to the park.

Street Smarts in a "Dangerous Neighborhood"

How do we decide what is safe when we get conflicting information from our trusted sources? I lay out my thinking about whether to walk through a “dangerous neighborhood” in Colombia.
5 min read
Screenshot of State Dept website Colombia page, image background of bright blue and salmon painted buildings

Travel Safety: to whom do I listen?

Five sources of (conflicting) travel safety information I consider, along with their biases...
3 min read