
“Let’s take the spatula”
June 30, 2023 – Leaving Medellín
The spatula will fit after all, and it took 3 tries to find one we liked. So, we packed it up in our suitcase along with the small bamboo tongs great for flipping over sweet plantains frying in a pan.
I find pleasure in using a tool specifically made for the task at hand, as well as when using my creative juices to figure out a workaround to avoid buying a new thing. These 8 months in Colombia have had their fair share of both strategies.
I look forward to seeing what these suitcases will hold a year from now – what will make the cut and what is left behind. Even more, I wonder what our lives will hold a year from now – what makes the cut and what we leave behind.
A damn good job
July 21, 2023 – Debriefing Quito
I began to tell my coach about how well my facilitation gig in Ecuador went, but immediately a voice in my head said, “Don’t get too big for your britches.”
I can’t remember anyone specifically reciting this admonition against conceit, but I still somehow fully absorbed it. "Don’t get too full of yourself." "Don’t let praise go to your head." More cultural sayings to let us know that pride is a sin.
The gig was three very full days in-person in Quito, facilitating dialogue with 10 members of a global environmental coalition, plus plenty of prep/post work. It was intense, enlivening, and a wonderful use of my skills. I’m grateful to all my processing partners who helped me zoom out and in to evaluate how it went – I did a damn good job, if I do say so myself.
See how I still added that last bit to "appropriately" soften self-praise?
Beginner's Eyes, Again
Aug 1, 2023 – Cuenca, Ecuador
Seated at a restaurant recommended by locals, we clearly beat the crowd – thankfully, since we secured their only non-reserved table and our dish would take an hour to prepare. In the meanwhile, I admired the eclectic surroundings, like the painting of the young sassy girl keeping us company. I delighted in our appetizer – giant fava beans, fresh cheese, pepper sauce, and crunchy corn kernels. I soaked up the warmness of a delicious canelazo, a hot cinnamon cocktail, perfect on a chilly night at 8,400 feet(2,560 meters) above sea level.
I (still) love the newness that inspires beginner’s eyes.

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