The honeymoon is over

Well, the honeymoon is over. I’m not sure how much of that shift was moving to our own apartment vs length of time here vs December, but it’s probably a combination of all of that.
We left the magic of being guests in the awe-inspiring family home to have an apartment of our own. This means no more cut fruit and fresh juice waiting for me in the morning (poor, baby, I know). I now have a space to call a desk (I was nomadic within the last house working on my laptop wherever). We can settle into cooking more, going out less. We can settle into a routine.
One month in
We landed Nov 5th so we are officially one month in. There’s something about it that makes me feels like I should get “serious” about what I’m doing with my time. Be a bit more organized. Plus, I seized an affordable opportunity to be coached, which starts this week. That has provided structure for reflection and goal setting. Just that activity in and of itself prompted me into action.
December in Colombia
People who know Colombia keep saying things like, “December in Colombia! How exciting! It is a month-long party.” Hmmm…can you imagine the downside a month-long party if you’re not actually at the party?
It’s loud. Sure, we’ll join in for specific celebrations, but not every day. We now live on a hill in a valley, close enough to hear the lyrics of the music of the bar across the valley and for fireworks to rattle around like in an amphitheater or tin can. Our last place had earthen walls a foot and a half thick that dampened sound. Thankfully the bedroom here has soundproofed windows. That helps, but there is only so much you can do up against raucous fireworks.
The combination
We walked around the city all day Saturday on various shopping missions from something Brian needed at a mall to a natural shampoo bar at an artisan market. It was a good day. We rolled well with the situation of walking for an hour to find a specific shop. We found good food, drinks, and took breaks as needed. Yet, we got home very much tired, ready to chill and crash. Then…there were fireworks until at least 2:30am. Our tiredness Sunday rolled into a bout of crankiness that resulted in a good, hard, heartfelt conversation…that was also exhausting. Which rolled into tiredness today, Monday.
I enjoyed the honeymoon while it lasted, and I’m okay with hitting challenges and things we don’t love. It means we’re progressing through stages of adaptation. Though, I can still hope for good sleep tonight!!!

Written Monday Dec 5, 2022; posted Jan 13, 2023.
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